Our Legal Practice Area

Providing FREE Services in the following areas

Centre for human rights education and awareness

Compensation for workers terminated from employment for refusing compulsory Covid-19 vaccination

Legal Aid Cover

Personal Injury

Compensation for Covid-19 vaccine side effects victims

Our Attorneys

We have over 40 Lawyers walking with us


  1. Christ centered

  2. Courage

  3. Compassion

  4. Truth

  5. Impact


  • foster, protect and uphold the rights and interest of its members;

  • co-operate with bodies that have similar objectives;

  • fight and challenge all discriminatory practices;

  • be and remain non-sectarian politically;

  • be the national and international voice for its members;

  • strive for the empowerment of churches and God’s people;

  • strive for the empowerment of previously disadvantaged persons, previously disadvantaged communities and disabled persons

  • without limitation to its aims and objectives mentioned herein, do all or any of the things which advance its mandate

Press Statements

ZIMBABWE LAWYERS FOR TRUTH, HEALTH, JUSTICE & FREEDOM MEMBERSHIP LETTER Dear Prospective member, You are being cordially invited to join the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Truth, Health, Justice and Freedom (ZLTHJF) as a member. ZLTHJF is an emerging Association of lawyers that has been formed to battle against violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms contained in the Constitution and to preserve the rule of law in Zimbabwe. Chief among the violation of human rights is the mandatory Covid-19 vaccination campaign of churches, employees and students that is being pushed by the Government as well as other local public and private entities. The ZLTHJF has been established in response to various requests for legal representation by several victims of the forced vaccination program across the nation. To date, we have received over 50 requests from Pastors, employees, individuals and several groups across the nation who require legal assistance against arbitrary arrests, victimization, discrimination and terminations from employment for refusing to get the vaccine. The Association seeks to represent all these marginalized groups and vindicate their rights in Court FREE OF CHARGE or at a very minimal cost. The Association will stand as the face of all those who require legal protection. At the moment, the Association as a Start-Up is quite under resourced to assist all these daily fast emerging cases. ZLTHJF seeks to lobby for financial and man power resources to carter for its establishment and operations from subscriptions of members, well-wishers and donations. We hope to subscribe as many lawyers to the Association going forward. If interested, kindly fill the registration form below. Please find attached our draft Constitution for your review. We look forward to your membership

Register to become a member

Help Us serve more people

Account Name: Zimbabwe Lawyers for Truth Health Justice and Freedom

ZWL Account Number : 0000260264281

USD Account Number : 0000260264297

Bank: NMB Bank Borrowdale Branch